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Volvo: 87 240DL: Flat Rate TIME: For motor mount R&R, auto repair expert, home mechanic

I asked Bilbo on the Auto Repair Expert and he misunderstood my
question, therefore answered a question I hadn't asked, and is now
I thought maybe you could help or suggest where I could find Flat-
rate info. (?)
I want to know what the flat-rate TIME is to replace the two motor
mounts and the transmission mount, on a 1987  240DL. (?)

Thanks for either or both answers!

I can only give you my best guess on the subject.  The actualy procedure for a shop shouldn't take more than 1-2 hours.  For a home mechanic, moderately experienced, it would take 4-6 hours.  It involves unbolting the engine and transmission, lifting it slightly in the chasis and changing out the rubber mounts (two on the front engine, one in the rear behind the transmission).  Hope that helps.