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Volvo: Volvo 240 CR-712 and HT-204 speakers, bump in the road, volvo 240

Thanks for the info ! Before I plod ahead one more quick question (okay maybe two ! ). I don't have a manual for the radio and/or speakers so how do I go about removing the radio ? and how do I attach the speakers to a walkman ?

Thanks again


Followup To
Question -
I have a VOlvo 1990 240 wagon. I have a CR-712 radio with HT-204 speakers. They look like they were installed by manufauterer. The radio comes on, I can see hte lights. However, sometimes it changes into playing a tape (green play light) but there is no tape inside. There is no way to turn this off, just wait until I hot a certain bump in the road. Sometimes the stations play for a bit, then knock off. Yet the display still syays the number of the station. Sometimes one speaker comes on the other doesn't.
It does sound (excuse the pun) like a wiring problem but I checked the major wires, I could see and nothing was loose.
Any ideas before I take the whole thing apart and run mad through the streets with this?

Thanking you in advance.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Answer -
From what you described, I would bet that you have an internal problem with the radio, not a wiring problem with the speakers.  The best way to test this would be to get a hold of or buy a new deck stereo and see if the speakers behave themselves.  Or just get a walkman, remove the radio, and manually output the audio to each speaker, seeing if it works.  Also check to make sure the radio is getting proper voltage from its wiring harness.  If all that checks out, I would replace the radio itself.  Good luck!

If the radio is mounted at the top center of the dash, I think you can get to the mounting screws by pulling off the dash cover around the radio and inscrewing them on each side, pulling the radio out from the front.  As for the speakers, get the left and right channel wires from one of the speaker from the back of the radio, and get a minijack audio cable.  You can plug in the minijack to your walkman, cut off the other end of the cable, strip the left and right wires, and connect them directly to the left and right wires of the speakers.  You'll basically be driving one speaker like you would drive headphones.  It will be soft because the walkman is low wattage, but you'll be able to hear if sound is coming out or not.  Repeat these procedure for each speaker you want to test.  Good luck!