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Volvo: 96 850 volvo..non turbo, floe, cooling fans

jim,  i suspect i have a problem with my cooling fans.  they do not come on when car is idling or when vehicle engine is turned off.  i just recently replaced the thermostat and temp guage has moved from low setting to about the middle. i also suspect my a/c fan circut is not working as it doesnt come on when enigine is running with a/c on at idle or after engine is stoped. i do know that i need to add refrigerant to my a/c.  any suggestions on where to look for problem.

Hello Jack! Is the car overheating? The fan will not turn on until the engine reaches a certain temperature. If it begins to overheat and the fan does not come on, I would start by checking the power floe betrween the cooling fan relay and the fan. You will need to know if there is power getting to the fan.
