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Volvo: the car: 940 se turbo the..., volvo, radio

the car: 940 se turbo
the problem: it will not start. I replaced the radio suppresion
relay today July 25th. Nothing. It turns over like its going to
start, but never kicks in.
history: for the last few months, it has acted strange, stalling for
no reason,not starting, then starting and driveing great for 2
weeks. It has made no difference whether hot or cold. Any

Hello Eddie! There are many reasons why your car is not starting. Too many to list. What you need to do first is to determine if there is spark and/or fuel present. If you can let me know which one is missing I can narrow it down for you. If you are unfamiliar with how to check it. I would suggest you let a Volvo technician check it out.
