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Volvo: 1988 760 GLE Intermittent Electrical Failure, electrical shutdown, electrical failure

My daughter's 1988 760 GLE experiences total electrical shutdown while driving...no lights, horn, etc.  Usually, the car will restart after a short period.  This has gone from an infrequent problem (once or twice per year) to a point where it has just occurred twice in 24 hours.  Several trips to Volvo "experts" have failed to isolate the problem.  Any suggestions?

I had this same problem with my 240 for a while before I figured it out.  If it is, in fact, a COMPLETE electrical shutdown, you probably have corroded tips on your battery terminals.  In my case, the corrosion had gotten just bad enough that when I started the car initially and drove it for a while, there was enough of a connection to keep everything active, but when I would hit a bump in a certain way, or turn a certain way, it would jostle the wire just enough to loose that connection, and everything in the car would shut down.  I would replace the lead tips on the battery, and carefully clean the ends of the ground and live wire going to the battery.  Good luck!