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Volvo: 86 240 fuel pump problem, fuel pump relay, fuel pumps

On my '86 240 DL I can't get fuel pumps to work.  They both work on the bench but won't work on car.  I have replaced the fuel pump relay with same results.  There is 12v. to relay until I turn key on and then it drops off to little or nothing on the large red wire.  I can jump from red to red/yellow and can hear them run until turning on key. Could it be in the ignition switch?  How do you R/R that?

The first thing to test is whether or not you can get the pumps to work while on the car.  The easiest way to do this is to unplug the relay, and short two of the terminals with a wire.  I can't remember which terminals, but you can use trial and error or check in a Hayne's manual.  When you find the right terminals, you should trigger the fuel pump circuit manually, and hear both pumps hum.  If you can consistantly get this result without blowing fuses, etc, I would look to your ignition switch.  It is suppose to send a signal to the relay to engage that pump circuit in the last two positions, but if there is a physical issue with it, it might not on the third position when you are turning the key.  You'll have to pull out the switch to test it, but should be able to determine if it is making proper contact in all positions once it is on the work bench.  Good luck!