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Volvo: S70 Hood release, inital release, release spring

I have a 98 S70.  Once I pull the internal hood release lever I have to have someone pull up on the hood for it to open.  I have tried to adjust the two hood release mechanizims on each side of the engine compartment to no avail.  Is their some sort of release spring some place that can be adjusted that I am not seeing?

Many thanks for any assistance you can provide.


I only have experience with the 240 series, but I'm going to take a shot in the dark here.  Usually, the spring that pushes the hood up after the inital release is right next to or on the release itself.  On the 240 hood, the release switch is in the middle, and surrounding the release itself is the spring that pops the hood up to the secondary position.  I would take a close look at whatever area the release switch is in.  Good luck, sorry I couldn't help more!