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Volvo: 1998 S70 turns over but wont start, s70 glt, distributer

Hi Jimmy,  Thank you in advance for any assistance you might be able to provide.  I have a 1998 S70 GLT, it turns over but will not start.  In an effort to determine if there is spark I disconnected the ignition wire from the distributer that connects to the coil, held the exposed ignition wire end near a grounded steel object, and turned the engine over.  I tried this a couple times and observed that either there was no spark or there was a quick initial spark or two then nothing.  Thinking it might be a bad ignition wire I replaced that and got the same results.

Have you any recommendations on what the problem might be or what I should do next to determine what the problem is?

Many thanks for your assistance,


Hello Travis! You will need to check for spark at the coil as well. Also, you will need to see if there is fuel at the injector rail. There are many reasons for a no start condition. If you can determine if fuel or spark is missing, I can narrow it down for you.
