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Volvo: 86 240 dl, drive cable, odometer

I just had the engine replaced in my 86 240 dl and decided not to have them replace the plugs, wires, cap and rotor. I can change them myself.  However while driving it home the car kept hesitating and died twice at lights.  It started right away but i got worried.  I also noticed that the OD light is on where it never used to be.  what is wrong?  also my odometer is not working and i have to have it fixed within 10 days to validate my warranty.

It sounds like the timing might be off, which is understandable give a new engine.  The fact that the OD light, and odometer aren't working also indicates they forgot to hook up the drive cable from the transmission.  I would take it back to the shop and have them fix these loose ends.  They're basic things that should have been taken care of when the engine was put in.  Good luck!