Volvo: Volvo 240GL, release latch, volvo 240gl
QuestionI have a 1986 volvo 240Gl. I can not open the hood. The inside nob pulls out the the latch does not unhook. Is there another possible way to open this hood?
AnswerIt sounds like the linkage itself broke somewhere between the handle and the release latch. There is a way to undo the hood, and it will involve crawling under the front of the car and looking strait up to the hood, just in front of the radiator. You'll probably notice the linkage wire going into a release clamp for the latch. You can either take a pair of pliers and give a good tug to the cable itself near the clamp, or manually undo the clamp yourself. Jacking up the car and having a really good flashlight will make this process much easier. Good luck!