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Volvo: 91 Volvo 240, mechanical linkage, volvo 240

Jason - I had my mechanic take a look at it.  He tells me there is no cable from the transmission to the speedometer/odometer.  Also, both the speedometer and odometer are non-functioning.  Any ideas?  Thanks---Jack-------------------------
Followup To
Question -
Jason--maybe you can help me out.  I've got a '91 Volvo 240.  I was driving along when suddenly the speedometer ceased to work--at the same time the ABS light came on?  Thank you for your anticipated input--Jack
Answer -
I'm having a hard time seeing how the two problems could be related.  The ABS light will come on when the fluid is low, or there is a slight leak in one of the brake lines.  I would check your fluid level.  If it is low, top it off and keep an eye on the level.  If it continues to lower, or if your brakes feel softer than normal when you brake, I would take it to see a mechanic as soon as possible.

As for the speedometer, there is a mechanical linkage between the end of the transmission and the back of the gauge that turns, causing the odometer to turn, as well as the speedometer.  Are they both not working?  If so, the linkage itself probably came loose some how.  If you're comfortable, it will mean getting under the car to see if the link has come loose, otherwise, a mechanic will have to look at it.  If the odometer still works, but the speedometer doesn't, then an internal gear probably broke in the gauge itself, and will have to be replaced.  Good luck!

The speedometer and odometer are feed by the same cable coming from the transmission.  In earlier models, it was a mechanical linkage, in later models, it might have been an electronic link.  In any case, there definetly is a link between the transmission and speedometer, and if was working before you had the engine replaced, then it is their responsibility to find out what they forgot to hook up and fix it.  Good luck!