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Volvo: rotor, elbow grease, rotor shaft

Followup To what would keep it from turning,and i also notice no voltage from the coil
Question -
one simple question sir:taking the distributor cap off ,should the rotor still turn and if so,why wouldn,t it be turning,or does it only turn when the cap is on?
Answer -
The rotor should turn regardless of if the cap is on or off.  From experience, I've found it is easier to turn when the cap is off, because they are generally very very hard to budge, especially if they haven't been moved in a long time, and so having the cap off allows me the manhandle the rotor a little more (i.e. bang it with a hammer to get it to turn).  Either way, it doesn't matter if the cap is on or off.  Good luck!

They just get jammed with dirt and oil over the years and make it hard to twist the rotor shaft, which sits in hole drilled in the base of the engine.  Sometimes squirting WD40 where the rotor shaft meets with the engine block helps dislodge it, but some elbow grease will still be required to get it loose.

As for the coil, if you get no voltage coming from the center to the distributor cap, you might have an additional problem.  Test the coil itself for failure, and also test the smaller 12 volt lines coming to the coil.  If those are bad, continue to trace back until you get a live wire.  Good luck!