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Volvo: Starting Problems, volvo 760, proper fuel


My Daughter has a 1987 Volvo 760 Turbo, The past few days when she goes to start the car it will start without any problems and at other times it will not start.  The starter it turning over and cranking,  A neighbor opened the air intake cover when my daugher started it and it fired up right away,  I replaced the air filter thinking that a clogged air filter was causing the problem and it fired up right away, then this morning she left the house and it started up when she tried to restart the car a little later it did it again, any ideas.


Doug Morales

Hello Doug! There many many reasons why you could have a no start condition. Too many too list. The best thing to do is to find out what is missing when the problem occurs. Is there spark? Is there a proper fuel flow? When the no start condition happens, check it uot so we can narrow it down somewhat. If you are unsure of the procedures for checking it, have a pro do it for you.
