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Volvo: Cruise Control, cruise control module, volvo 850

Re: 1994 Volvo 850 sedan
My 850 keeps dropping out of cruise control without any warning.  I use cruise control everyday because of my commute and 95 percent of the time it works without question.  But sometimes without any rhyme or reason it will drop out of cruise control as I'm going down the interstate.  When this happens I don't think the road is bumpy.  I do know that it takes very, very little pressure on the brake pedal  to disengage the control. Sometimes I can come back up to speed and press the button and it will resume only to drop out again in a couple of miles.  Sometimes I have to switch it off, wait a couple of minutes, and turn it back on.  Usually after a couple of times of doing this it will correct itself and I won't have any problems for days.  Sometimes, the next trip...  Anyways, do you have any ideas?

Jim White

Hello Jim! Try adjusting the brake pedal/clutch switch. It may be too sensitive. There could also be a fault in the cruise control module, but I would check the adjustments first. If you are unsure about how to do it, let a pro do it for you.
