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Volvo: Volvo V70 2003, volvo v70, volvo specialist

Last week, driving home from a movie, my V70 2003 stalled. It just shut down, the whole car. I was able to pull over out of traffic. After 15 min, I started the car again, with Check Engine light on, and was able to get home (2 miles) w/out a problem. The next morning, the check engine light was off and I have not had the problem again. I remember, when the shut down occurred, it felt like the car was sluggish, with little engine resonse on the accellerator, then it shut down. It has not happened again. Any advice? The dealer said over the phone they can't do anything unless there is a check engine light on. Which went off by the next day. Any thoughts?

Hello Mark! Even thoughthe check engine light is not on at this time, there should be a fault stored in the computer memory. They should be able to read the fault with the proper tools. There are many reasons why the car can act like it did. It sounds like the dealer has no idea what they are talking about. It is best to try a different dealer or an independent Volvo specialist. I hpe this info helps.
