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Volvo: Starting Trouble, fuel pump relay, fuel pump

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Question -

ok sorry if i wasnt clear on my last message.

You told me the pump not working could be due to the Fuel Pump Relay.
Thanks for that.

I have One more Question

I went to test the Spark COMMING FROM the ignition coil.

I pulled the wire out of the distribitor(The other end leading to the ignition coil)

And placed it just aove the block while I started the car,
And there was no SPARK comming from the lead.

NORMALLY there is a CONTINUOIS spark.

I then felt the lead and started the car and I could only feel the slightest current.

1 - What could this be from?
2 - could this ALSO have something to do with the Fuel pump relay, as my fuel pump does not energize at all.

Thankyou for the help

Khayyam Halliwell

If your coil isn't sending current, I would check that it is getting a pulsating 12V current at its posts around the main wire.  If those wires are good, then your coil is definetly bad, and pulling a used one from the junkyard will only cost a few bucks.  Good luck!