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Volvo: 240 Pwr windows and fuel pumps quit, fuel pump relay, fuel pumps

I have an 83 245 that had been sitting for about 2 months, I started it and drove it around the block a few times then pulled into the driveway and parked it. 3 days later I went to start it and it turns over but the power windows no longer work and it doesn't sound like the fuel pumps are running. I checked all fuses and they are all good. Is there a common fuse somewhere that these two things share or anything else I should check?

I would check your fuel pump relay if you suspect they aren't running.  Also, check your engine wire harness, they have an issue with flaking insulation and can cause random shorts which could cause the power windows and fuel pumps to quit.  I would also pull a spark plug to make sure you're getting a spark while cranking, and pull an injector to see if you are getting fuel delivery.  Good luck!