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Volvo: Volvo Engine swap, home mechanic, volvo engine

Hi, I own a 1985 volvo GL wagon and also a 1987 Volvo 740GL wagon, both automatic. The 87 has almost 250,000 miles and the overdrive is shot, i am trying to figure out if the entire engine, or possibly just the trans and ovedrive, are compatible to swap from the 85 to the 87. If you have any advice i would appreciate it. Thanks

Both the engine and transmission of both cars should be almost identical.  If both transmissions are automatic, then they are the same and can be swapped no problem.  The engines are both most likely B230F (assuming the 740 isn't turbo), which means except for some slight electrical differences, they are basically the same engine, and you should have no problem with mount points or fit if you do that swap.  I should mention, however, that getting the electrical system of the older engine to integrate with the 740 will be a challange, and I wouldn't recommend tackling it unless you are a fairly experienced home mechanic.  The job isn't impossible though, and people do it all the time.  If you want to get stories from those who have done it, I would suggest going to www.brickboard.com and posting this question in the 240 and 740 section.  There you will get advice from those who have done the job themselves.  Good luck!