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Volvo: 1999 Volvo S80 2.8L T - ignition miss cyl #5, volvo s80, 1999 volvo s80

I have message that there is a miss detected on cyl. #5.  I changed plugs, inspected the coils, and reset the trouble light.  The miss is still ocurring and definately is a dead cylinder.  I will switch the coils between cyl #5 and #4 around to verify it is not a bad coil.  Is there any other suggestions?  

Please pass this question along as I could not figure out how to send it to Jimmy.  Thank you.

I would look closely at the distributer as well as check the timing to make sure there isn't something seriously wrong.  If the knock sensor has failed, the computer might be scewing the timing dramatically, so it might pay to check that as well, in addition to the coils.  Good luck!