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Volvo: Volvo Turbo wont start sometimes, volvo 240, car idling

Hi Jason.  I have a 1983 Volvo 240 Turbo, and I love it.  It starts great each morning and each night after work.  The problem is, if I drive the car and then park it for a little while, say 10 minutes, when I try to start it again, it won't engage right away.  I have to turn the ignition key at least ten times, sometimes more, to get it to start.  It always starts eventually, but I find myself leaving the car idling when doing errands, etc. so I don't have to go through the hassle of trying to start it again when I come out.  If the car is parked for an hour, it starts fine.  Any idea why this starting problem only happens when the car has been driven and then stopped?  What can I do?

I would start checking electrical connections.  Have you ever replaced the main wiring harness in your car?  On 1983 models, they had a tendency to degrade after a few years, causing shorts and problems starting.  Thoroughly check all the wires looking for bare copper.  Also, a cause of starting issues is corrosion in the leads that go to your coil.  Check those and rub them with sand paper to get better contact.  Hopefully that will work for you!  Good luck!