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Volvo: possessed??, s80 t6, volvo dealers

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Question -
Hi Jimmy...
 I was wondering if you've ever heard of a heater/ac activating ON ITS OWN while the car was totally OFF, without even a key in the ignition.  I went to my car first thing in the morning and as I got closer, I heard a loud fan-type noise coming from it and when I got in, the interior blower was on full blast without even starting the car.  2 different Volvo dealers looked at it and said they couldn't find anything wrong. They thought I was mistaking it for the normal cooling fan under the hood.  I know what the cooling fan sounds like(& it wasn't that). I also know that when I first get into a car, the interior vents should'nt be blowing full blast before I even get in it.  Also, I hadn't driven it for 11 hours, so the cooling fan obviously wasn't the issue.  Any ideas?  THANK YOU.
Answer -
Hello Dana! What year and model car do you have? I would need to know so that I can help you better.


Hi again Jimmy...It's a 2001 S80 T6. And thank you for your quick response.

Hello Dana! There is a feature of the climate system called "afterblow". The interior fan will run on its own to dry out any moisture buildup in the system. It will usually come on after the A/C has been on for a while. It sounds like there may be a fault in the climate system. Have the dealer fault trace it a little more.
