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Volvo: 1989 Volvo 244 Starting Problems, engine cranks, volvo 244

Yes, the engine cranks but will not catch.  This morning again it will not start.  Thank you.
Followup To
Question -
Hi!  This is an intermittent problem.  As in tried to start yesterday at 2 pm, would not turn over. Thirty minutes ago, it started right up.  Had it towed to experienced Volvo mechanic earlier this week. Replaced spark plugs, can find no other problem. It wants to start but doesn't.  Battery is good.  Alternator has been replaced. Thank you!
Answer -
I need some clarification in order to answewr the quetion.  You said that at 2pm you tried to start the car but it would not turn over.  That implies that the engine was completely dead and wouldn't even crank.  Then you mention that the car appears to want to start, but doesn't.  Does that imply that you can actually crank the engine over multiple times, but it just never catches?  Let me know, and I'll try to help.

If sometimes it starts right up, and other times it doesn't start at all, I think its probably because you aren't getting a spark at the plugs.  I would start tracing the wires back.  Check the distributor, then the coil.  Sometimes the single wire connectors on the coil get corroded and keep a spark from  getting to the plugs.  Check to see you don't have that type of corrosion.  Wires you want to test to see if they are getting a current, you can pull out and put close to the chasis while cranking the engine to see if a spark arcs to the car.