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Volvo: Check Engine Light, mass airflow sensor, interface device

The Mass Airflow Sensor on my 1989 240GL recently triggered the Check Engine Light. I have replaced the MAF and now need to reset the Check Engine Light. Can I do this and if so how?  

Your 89 is a tough call.  On older cars, the reset was a small black box under the dash on the driver's side, with a button to press that would reset the light.  It would literally be hanging from some wires up underneath and behind the cluster.  But on your 89, it might at that point be controlled by the computer, in which case, I would think you would the repair shop or dealer to disable it with an interface device.  Because I'm not 100% sure, I would suggest you go to www.brickboard.com, where you can post your question for free in the 240 section and get an answer back from a fellow 89 owner.