Volvo: safety, airbag systems, heavy cars
QuestionAre the later model Volvos as safe as the 240 series?
Is any other car on the road today as safe as the 240 series?
What is the safest new car out today?
AnswerThe newer model Volvos have a few advantages over the 240 series, mostly the advanced airbag systems and crumple zones. The modern model has no less than 4 airbags to help protect in a crash, plus ABS brakes, more modern cage design, etc. The main reason 240s got the reputation of saftey was because they were the first to employ basic crumple zone design and were also extremely heavy cars. That advantage still remains today in all 240s and will usually serve them well in accidents, but they can't match the other more modern saftey advancements like multiple airbag systems. The safest cars out there these days are probably new Volvos and new Mercedes sedans. A Mercedes will still have some substantial weight in their mid and full size models, coupled with at least as advanced air bag system as Volvo has.