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Volvo: Volvo Third Seat - seat belts, seat belts, third seat


I just got a third seat for my 1994 940 Turbo wagon.  I have no problem installing the seat, and believe I know where to install the 3 points of each seat belt (although I have not attempted to remove the side panels yet and would appreciate any tips you think I'll need).  

The seat belts are completely wound (fully retracted) and I cannot figure out how to extend them.  I have anchored the retractor and tried tugging, twisting, wiggling, jerking, pushing, pulling, smacking and screaming at them.  Nothing I try has been able to release the catch and allow them to extend.  

Please help me!

Hello Brad! The seat belt should release once it is installed properly. If it still won't release, the seat belt may be defective. Did you get this seat new or used? If you do not have directions, I would suggest you have a Volvo tech install it for you. It can be very tricky.
