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Volvo: Volvo 93 940 Stalling, fuel pump relay, loose power

Ocasionally our 940 stalls while driving or in park. It does not seem to be related to a cold start problem. It seems to loose total power (lights, dash lights, radio code needs to be re-entered, etc.)for a second or two and then the lights come back on and it will re-start with no problem. A couple of times the power was gone for a few minutes before it came back. I do hear an electrical buzz in the radio at times. I am also interested in the location of the fuel pump relay.

It sounds like if you are loosing total power that there is a connection issue with your battery.  I had a similar problem with my Volvo, but it usually only manifested itself after the car had been sitting overnight.  Sometimes the connections can come loose enough at the battery terminal (or corroded enough), that you get intermittent shorts.  Sometimes moisture can play a part, by gathering between the wires and contacts just enough to make a short, then when you go and wiggle the wire, it will imediately reconnect.  Next time you loose power, carefully pop the hood, and go wiggle the positive wire ever so slightly.  If you see a small spark appear and/or you regain power, you know you've found the problem.  Either thoroughly clean the contacts or replace the lead leads with fresh ones.