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Volvo: no start, no fuel coming out of injectors, mass air sensor, volvo 240 glt

I have a volvo 240 GLT 1982, standard tranny, b23e engine, I recently took off the intake manifold, throttle body and mass air sensor.  I put it all together today and all 4 injectors are not squirting fuel, the cold start injector squirts fuel though, there seems to be plenty of fuel pressure in the lines.  Can a bad thermo time switch cause all the injectors not to squirt fuel? could it be another bad sensor, or did I manage to clog all four injectors? or did I screw up the fuel distributor somehow? help help help!!!!!

My guess is that all four injectors are fine; by chance I doubt you could have clogged all 4 of them.  I also think there is probably a blockage in the line somewhere before it splits into 4, if you are getting NO fuel out of any of them.  Check the fuel distributor first and foremost, but main thing is to start tracing back inch by inch from the enjectors until you get to the point where there is fuel in the line.  Concentrate on the parts you had removed especially.  Also, check your fuel filter even if you didn't touch it, sometimes reorganizations can dislodge particles that jam in there.