Volvo: 240 DL a/c compressor belt remove/replace, slide bolts, power steering pump
QuestionWould you tell me how to replace the belts on my 240 DL. I cannot ID the adjust/slide nuts on the a/c compressor. Thank you so much. Kim
AnswerThats a tough question. When I replaced the belts on m 1980, I never was able to identify slide bolts like what you see on the power steering pump. The A/C compressor is attached to the block with 4 rather long bolts. What I ended up doing was losening the rear two bolts (the two furthest from the front of the enging). As I undid those bolts I was able to tilt the compressor forward enough the get the belt off that why. I'm not sure if it is the official rule for removing that belt or if I was just lucky. You can try it that way or if you want to discover the "right" way, you could also post that question for free on, a Volvo forum on the web.