Volvo: My Volvo 240 dl wont start, volvo 240 dl, volvo 240
I spent 8 hours troubleshooting on my car today, and finally found what was wrong. The fuse to the fuel relay switch was defective. I fixed it and it started right up. Now I hear noise coming from the engine, I think the starter may be going out. If it does not go out right away, is there a way to stop it from hitting the flyhweel the wrong way to avoid damaging it. How will I know if the flywheel is damaged?
AnswerGood that you found the problem! As for the starter motor, thats a tough call. If you mean to say you hear a noise from the starter motor while the engine is running, that means the teeth probably don't fully disengage from the flywheel after you start the engine. If that is the case, you should replace the motor as soon as possible for one simple reason, avoid damage or wear on your flywheel at all costs, you don't want to have to pull everything apart to replace it! If the starter motor does in fact disengage from the flywheel after startup, then it shouldn't be making any more noises, and I would look elsewhere for the mysterious sound.