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Volvo: SRS Light related to AC problem, cold air, faults

I have a 93 940 I bought used about a year and a half ago.  About once a month, the SRS light comes on.  When this light is on, the AC will not work.  The fan comes on, but no cold air.  It usually turns off after about 15 minutes, and the AC starts working again.  This last time it came on, it stayed on.  It has been 2 days now with no AC.  What could cause this?


Hello Scott! That can be caused by a number of things. The SRS and A/C are usually not related. Howver, there may be a problem with the ignition switch. That supply power to all components in the car. It is best to have a qualified Volvo technician check it for you. SRS faults can be dangerous and should be left to a pro.
