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Volvo: S80 A/C Questions, climate control system, climate system

Hi Jimmy,

We recently purchased a 1999 S80.  A couple of weeks after purchase, when the outside temperature climbed to low-90's (Houston area), the following occurred:

Using the climate control system, the air began getting less cool and the blower even slowed down (which could NOT be overriden using manual knobs).  I could also see vapor (?) coming out of the vents.  I thought I had lost the AC but, after the car sat awhile, it was back to normal, only to do it again after driving for 45 minutes or so in the hot weather.

A little more info:  I've noticed EVERY time I drive the car, about 10-15 minutes or so into the drive, there is a distinct tangy smell that comes out of the vents, although vapor is not visibly coming out.  (I do see it sometimes, though.)

I've begun using the AC system in a manual, rather than climate control, mode, to ease the load on the system, and the temp and blower problems haven't occurred again.  (Although it still smells every time I use the car, and the vapor is visible coming out of the vents infrequently.)

Any idea as to what is wrong?  Thanks so much!!

Hello Holly! There is a software upgrade that is available for the climate system. I would check with a local dealer to see if your car call s for it. There has also been problems with the CCM (Climate Control Module). It may need to be replaced. The smell may be coming from wildew on the a/c evaporator. I would tell the dealer about it and have them disinfect the system. I hope this info helps.
