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Volvo: 90 740 heater/AC problem, vacuum lines, first coil

fan motor has 4 speeds,I can here the fan increase but I can hardly feel the air. I've had the motor out and the first coil is clean, the cowling at the inlet is clean, and still there is no real air blowing anywhere. Whether I chose vent, floor, or defrost, hi the air does not come out. Does the system with no vacuum go to all floor or defrost? Running the fan on 2 seems to provide some air for defrost, but increasing to 3, or 4 only cavatates the fan, no more air.  Now that it is AC season there is not enough blowing out of the vents to cool the interior oh well hopfully this is enough info and insight. I own 5 volvos altogether and this is unique to me.

Hello Joe! Has the fan been replaced or has there been any work done to the climate system? The reason I ask is beacuase the fan could be wired backwards causing it spin the wrong way. It is also a good idea to check all vacuum lines and servos for leaks. I'll be here if you need more help!
