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Volvo: Where to begin, volvo 244, paul hey


This a very broad and generalized topic, so please bear with me:

I have had a 1976 Volvo 244 that has been sitting in my driveway for years. I got it about six years ago, and I'm not sure where to start as far as getting it to run. My knowledge about cars (especially Volvos) is very minimal, and my father doesn't have access to the car at this time. I don't even know where to begin (i.e. what parts do I need, and where do I get them). I just need to know how to begin educating myself. I doubt a Hayne's manual will be sufficient, so I would appreciate any information regarding this.



Hey Paul! First change all the fluids and charge the battery. Most mats are readily available for that car at any dealer or foriegn parts distributor. There are many things to learn about the car. too much for me to educate yo in an email. Try going to www.volvotechinfo.com for a manual. Although, it may not be available for a car that old. It's worth a try though. If you need more help, I'll be here.
