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Volvo: Pre-Owned Question, genuine volvo, service interval

If I don't have the scheduled maintenance every 7500 miles, will that void the warranty (the 6yr/100k Volvo Certified pre-owned warranty)?  And if the dealer doesn't perform the work, does the warranty insist on certain shops/retailers, etc?

Thanks again!

Followup To
Question -
I am looking to by a pre-owned certified 2002-2003 S60.  I have gotten mixed answers on this:  the 6yr/100k warranty - does this require scheduled maint. visits to keep the warranty valid?  I heard one guy say scheduled service every 8 weeks - can that be right?  I asked the salesman tonight, and he told me he didn't even know - and would check for me.  I love the car, but my only hesitation is the cost of repairs.  Thanks for any info that you know.
Answer -
Hello Jason! The service interval is every 7500 miles. That is the factory recommendation. The warranty will not cover routine maintenance. It will only cover the components that are specified in the contract. Make sure you get a copy of it and read it carefully. If you need more help, I'll be here for you!


Hey Jason! The dealer does not have to do the maintenance. Any shop can do it. Although, I would insist you use genuine Volvo parts or it will void the warranty. It is best to keep up on the maintenance. Not doing the services will not only void the warranty, but you will be asking for a breakdown somewhere along the line! It is best to have the car serviced by someone who knows Volvo. It doesent have to be the dealer. But make sure you do the routine maintenance!
