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Volvo: Dash Lights, helicopter noise, power steering fluid

The check engine and service engine lights on my 2000 XC keep coming on randomly, sometimes they stay on for a day or two sometimes a minute, sometimes both sometimes one or the other, what is causing this? Also have to sometimes add power steering fluid , seems to be no leak though? Ever have any complaints about noise inside car from having rear windows down? Also I am looking for an owners manual. Thanks, would appreciate any advise you could give.

Hello Joan! The service light means that you are due for maintenance. It is just a reminder. The check engine light could be a sign of a more serious problem. There could be something wron in the emmisions system. There could literally be 1000 reasons why the check engine light is on. It is best to get the car checked out by a qualified Volvo technician ASAP. Yes, I have hear the noise you are talking about. The "helicopter" noise! It is normal when only the rear windows are down. It could be the way the air flows around the car. Just crack open another window and the noise should go away. I hope this info helps you.
