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Volvo: Cam Replacement on 740 Turbo, valve clearance, tappets


  I am going to replace my Cam on my 1990
 740 Turbo soon. Is the b230ft engine in my
  car a free running engine? Can I spin the
  camshaft to adjust the valve clearance with
  the timing belt removed? Or must I have the
  timing belt on so everything stays in time?

  Does the distributor only key in one way, or
 can I get it out of time like the older 740's?   

   Also, any tips or tricks for this         procedure? I have a rental shim kit and tool, and I ordered new rubber tappet "hushers". Is it self evident how those clip in? Would you use a little rtv on top of the bearing end caps to help the valve cover seal down?   Thanks  

Hello Jeff! The B230FT engine is a non-interference motor. You can spin away! The distributor should have a plastic guide for the bolt. It is in a locked position. The timing is not adjustable. I'm not sure about the "rubber hushers" As far as I know, there are no rubber tappets. The shim are pretty easy to replace if you have the right tools. I would not use any sealer on anything. Sometimes, it makes things worse!
