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Volvo: warped rotors, brake pads and rotors, warped rotors

I purchased a '98 v70 with 55k miles six months ago.  There was a vibration from the front end recently.  It improved with new tires but persisted when braking.  It now appears that the rotors are all warped (the front two in particular.)  The volvo mechanic says it's rare but can't really say why or if it would happen again.  Do you have any idea why this would have happened?  Thanks.

Hello Bill! It is not rare for a rotor to warp. I have seen it many times. There are many reasons why that can happen including, inferior brake parts, worn wheel hub bearings, worn ball joints. I would check all suspension parts for wear. As long as the supension is in good shape a new set of brake pads and rotors should solve the problem for good. Just make sure the best quality parts are used. If you need more help I'll be here.
