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Volvo: Volvo transmissions, volvo owners, transmission failure

My 2002 S60 AWD with only 14,000 had its transmission replaced! The dealer said it was an 'internal failure' but couldnt/wouldnt specify. I had it 6 months and drive once a month two hours in the mountains outside Los Angeles. That was three weeks ago. Today I encountered no power on acceleration again and am currently waiting for a tow truck to get it to the dealer again. Speaking to other Volvo owners transmissions seem a common problem and that quality on the new cars are slipping.  What do you think?  

Hello Jacynne! The S60 is a pretty reliable car. It is rare for them to have a transmission failure. The S80 has had many transmission problems, but not the S60. Are you getting a check engine light or any other warning lights? It the loss of power all the time or intermittant? Give me more info on how and when the problem happens. Maybe I can help you better.
