Volvo: Volvo 240 DL, 1987, volvo 240 dl, volvo 240
QuestionI have an intermittent starting problem. I turn the key and all the battery components operate, but nothing else. When I pop the clutch, it doesn't start right away, but does when I turn the key over. At first, to get it started, all I had to do was wiggle the battery grounding cable with the key held all the way over, and that worked. I cleaned all the corrosion off the grounding cable, and that worked for about 4 days. It is a little rough getting it into first sometimes. Please help.
Carla Cutter
AnswerHello Carla! Check all of the battery cable connections. Make sure they are secure and clean. Check all grounds at the block. If you are unsure of how and what exactly to check, let a pro do it for you. Dempending on the miles, the clutch or gears in the trans could be worn.