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Volvo: Volvo 1995 Turbo 20 valve, hey arnold, distributor cap

Followup To
Question -
The check engine light is one.  I manually got the fault codes of 551 and 545 but I can't find those anywhere!  The books and a site online do not go that high for the codes.  Any idea?

Answer -
Hello Arnold! Those are misfire codes. I would check the spark plugs, distributor cap, rotor and ignition wires. They may be corroded. I hope this info helps.

Followup Question:  Someone had mentioned that the "check engine" light usually refers to the exhaust system, O2 sensor and such.  Are the codes separate from that?  I think there is a code for the sensors but that is not what they read.  I've changed the plugs (did not turn off the check engine light) and am still hunting around for a store with the roter and cap. Just curious about the light vs exhaust system.

By the way, do the codes that I have 551 and 545 refer to a specfic plug?

thanks again!


Hey Arnold! If there was a problem with the O2 sensor, there would have been a code for it. The misfire codes you gave me refer to cyl. # 1. If you can't find the cap, rotor and wires I can get them for you. Or go to www.ipdusa.com to order them.
