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Volvo: roar sound - not tires, front end alignment, hub assembly

about a month ago I hit a large pothole in the road...I noticed a roar sound shortly after...I
thought it was my tires.(it had the sound like a tire going bad)..had it checked tires are fine, had tires rotated, balanced and then a front end alignment...the noise is still there and is worse when I turn the wheel to the right...hard to describe the sound but it a constant roar, like  road noise and a bad tire with a bump on the side.....any suggestions?  Before I take it to the shop again.... I would like to have an idea of the possible problem ....thank you very much.
S-70 Volvo 1998

Hello Rebecca! There may be a problem with the wheel bearing. On the S70 it is a sealed hub assembly. I have changed many of them for that noise. The part usually costs about 150-160 dollars. I hope this info helps. I'll be here if you need me!
