Driving & Driving Test Tips: Unsafe lane change ?, fast food restaurant, unsafe lane change
QuestionI received a ticket for an unsafe lane change. I was in a left turn lane for a turn that was only left turn, (not left/u-turn or left/straight). I was the second car stopped at a light. There was a painted island to the right of me without bumps or lines painted through it. Next to that was the right lane and the corner of the street. From my viewpoint the island was very skinny and looked like a bike lane so I put on my blinker, waited for traffic to clear and then I safely changed lanes and made a right turn at the corner. The officer who pulled me over said that I made an unsafe lane change because I crossed over a solid line when I was in the left turn lane. I told him I thought it was a bike lane and he said it wasn't, that I had crossed over TWO left turn lanes and this was considered an unsafe lane change because of the solid line. I went back to the intersection after getting the ticket and he is incorrect, there is only one turn lane. I did not ask him where he was located when he saw me change lanes but he is obviously incorrect with two turn lanes. It was not raining when I was pulled over but it had been pouring all day and this was at night. The streets were wet and I had problems seeing the lines on the road due to the streetlights and various reflections from fast food restaurant parking lot lights, etc. on the watersoaked streets. I was in an area that I am not familiar with and I told him I had missed my exit and was trying to get to a specific location that I thought was behind me but making the left turn might have put me back on the highway or gotten me more lost. How can I fight this? Would it help to go to the city planners office and get an aerial photograph or just take pictures during the day? Thanks.
AnswerI would take photos of the location at night and in the day time to take into court. under rainy conditions like you were driving in also (if possible). bring them to court and explain to the judge the circumstances just as you explained here. I would also ask the officer to draw the location and illustrate how he percieved the violation and see if that is the same as you believe you were driving or not, and then give your arguement as to the poor driving conditions and not being knowlegable about the area. then you will have to hope the judge sees it your way.