QuestionI live in the United States, I am going to take my drivers test soon, and the one thing that I am worreid about is failing becuse i didn't use the parking handbrake. Which manuvers should I use that on during my test. I nevr use it because I always forget to take it off when I do put it on, so I would be a little more comfortable knowing when to use it, such as parking on a hill, parellel park...etc?
Thank you.
AnswerDear Eloise,
You should always apply the handbrake whenever you have stopped for 2 or more seconds. You will also need to apply the handbrake BEFORE placing the vehicle in neutral, so yes, you will need to use it when parking on a hill, or anywhere else for that matter. Also, as you need to place the vehicle into neutral before placing it in reverse you will need to use the handbrake before reversing and then again when you have finished the manouvre.
As far as I am concerned the vehicle is not classified as STOPPED unless the handbrake is applied, so you will also need to apply it when stopping at STOP signs and other places where there is a legal requirement to STOP. At these places you should apply the handbrake even if you are only stopping very breifly. This is so the examiner is aware that YOU know that you must stop.
Not using the handbrake when required is a fault and will be marked as such. If you do use it and then forget to take it off when you are practicing all that will happen is the vehicle will not move. You might get frustrated with this but soon you will start remembering to take it off before moving and it will no longer be a problem.
My advice to you is practice, practice, practice. Use the handbrake correctly and soon you will not be forgetting to remove it.
I hope I have been of some help and don't hesitate to contact me again if you have any further questions as I always enjoy helping people with their queries.
Happy Motoring,
PS. My answer is baised on my knowledge of the UK driving test. I am confidant that my answer is also valid for the US test, but, if you are need further clarification you should seek advice from a professional driving tutor from your State.