QuestionWhat is the best way to go downhill- by using the brakes or using D3, 2,1....or neutral...? Is any of the above damaging in any way to the car?
AnswerHello Yehuda and welcome to AllExperts!!
One of the worst things we can do is overheat the brake pads by riding the brake pedal, causing them to glaze over and become less efficient. It is far better to brake momentarily and allow them to cool down between applications.
When possible, it is best to allow the engine to perform compression braking by downshifting into a lower gear. As long as you do not over-rev the RPM of the motor, it will not be harmful to the engine or transmission, and will allow your braking system to operate efficiently and last far longer between replacement of brake pads.
As to selection of gear, this will depend on the degree of declination and speed. If 3rd gear doesn't maintain your desired speed, you may need to slow down and then shift into second gear. I would stay away from first gear as you don't not want to exceed 15-20 mph in that gear.
I hope this has answered your question!
Have a great day!!