Transportation and Vehicle Safety: How to remove 22349a from record, and is it for speed in general or specific speed?, maximum speed limit, size tires

Is my 22349a related to my specific speed or just driving over speed limit in general?  CHP entered freeway approx 500 feet behind me, travelled with me for approx 1500 feet then pulled me over.  I was speeding 75 in 65 zone.  On citation 'Speed Approx' says 80.  Radar/Lidar box is blank.  
Is there any point point arguing the speed or (what I assume is) the lack of radar and that he paced me for such a short duration?
Can I go to traffic school and have the speeding ticket completely removed from my record?   I'm not worried about insurance, I'm leaving the USA permanently in July, and hope to join the Police in my home country.  What can I do to ensure this ticket is off my record when my home country Police request my driving history from USA?
Thank you for your kind consideration.

Hello Linda and welcome to AllExperts!

Maximum Speed Limit

22349(a) CVC

Except as provided in Section 22356 CVC, no person may drive a vehicle upon a highway at a speed greater than 65 miles per hour.

This section relates to any speed above the maximum speed limit. The reason the 'Radar Box' was left blank was because the basis for the stop was via trailing/pacing you, using a certified speedometer.

The officers statement of your speed being clocked at 80 mph means you could have misread your speed, or your speedometer may be incorrect due to a mechanical defect, wrong size tires on the car, or other possible related issues. Sadly, the onus of responsibility for this rests on the owner (yourself).

The facts of the case remain that you were traveling 80 mph in a posted 65. This violation has nothing to do with duration, rather it is having driven at that speed for any period of time.

I wish there was an easy fix here, but the only solution is to plead 'guilty' or 'no contest' to the violation and request traffic school. This will actually cost more, but will remove this violation from your record.

I wish you well Linda, and best wishes in your new police career!!
