QuestionThe officer said I was speeding. I was not. The ticket states I was driving a newer model Toyota. I was actually driving an older model Mitsibishi. Can I ask him in court what type vehical I was driving and use his answer to show Judge that if the officer can't get that right, how can his judgement be trusted?
AnswerHello Darren and welcome to AllExperts!
One of the most valuable assets a peace officer has is their credibility, which is based on many things, but accuracy is certainly one of them.
If a submitted document (citation) is received by the court, it is considered accurate on its face. If this is in dispute, everything else is called into question.
That doesn't mean that the judge will arbitrarily dismiss the citation, but it will provide a basis for consideration of your testimony and plea (Regarding your not having violated the speed limit).
You have nothing to loose and everything to gain by providing this information to the judge. Good luck!!