4 Wheel Drive/SUVs: 2002 ford explorer sport trac

Going 35 mph my truck died completely. Tried to start it by popping the clutch and the wheels seemed locked up.


First, when you pop the clutch, you need to be in a high gear, such as 3rd.  This is due to the fact that in the low gears, the motor has enough compression to lock up the tires.

As far as dieing, this could be anything from a bad fuel pump, to a blown fuse.  Without actually looking at it, there are too many things that can cause this to give you an actual solution.  

Remember, though, that there are only 2 things that can kill an engine, and these are, no spark, or no fuel getting to the motor.  This being said, there are quick ways to test this.  One is to check for fuel pressure at the fuel rail, and check the fuses.

Other than this, I would suggest that your purchase a repair manual at your local auto parts store, as it will give you instructions on checking out these problems, along with pictures and diagrams to assist you.
