4 Wheel Drive/SUVs: Two Wheeler Motorcycle Training Schools.



We see very few (Hardly) Two Wheeler viz Motorcycles, Bikes, Scooters etc Training Schools as compared to many 4 wheeler viz Cars, Jeeps, Trucks, Buses etc Motor training schools.

What could be the primary reason for this ?.

Do you feel the Two Wheeler Motorcycle Training School Business
will not flourish as compared to 4 Wheeler Motorcycle Training Schools ?.

Awaiting your reply,

Thanks & Regards,
Prashant S Akerkar

ANSWER: Prashant,

This is interesting, as where I live, there are many motorcycle, etc training schools.  If fact, you cannot drive a motorcycle on the public streets unless you have training and pass a special driver's license exam.

It is a great business here.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------


Thank you.

Do you feel the Key element for success to this Business would be keeping different varieties of the Motorcycles viz TVS Scooty, Bajaj Pulsar, Enfield Bullet etc

i.e. Different Motorcycles Models from Different Manufacturers viz scooter, bike, luna, mopet etc which will offer a variety to the consumers who would like to learn 2 wheelers ?.

The Training cost will vary from vehicle to vehicle a consumer would like to learn a 2 wheeler.

Awaiting your reply,

Thanks & Regards,
Prashant S Akerkar

4 Wheel Drive/SUVs: Two Wheeler Motorcycle Training Schools.
My Bike  

Here, the some of the training schools provide the motorcycles.  If it is a quad, or off road type, then you need to provide your own.  The main reason for the classes here, is that you cannot ride a motorcycle on the streets without a M1 classification on your driver's license.

I would put out a feeler to some of the manufacturers, and see if they would be interested in backing a school of this type, and possibly provide the bikes.

This may turn into a lucrative and fun business.
