4 Wheel Drive/SUVs: dodge truck
QuestionI have a 2002 Dodge Ram 1500 Pickup that 2wd and i want to convert it to a 4wd what all do i need?
Go to your local wrecking yard and start pricing parts.
You will need a transfer case that will mate up to your existing transmission or a transmission that will fit the transfer case, a front differential, front springs and suspension components off a 4-wheel drive model, new drive lines, new shocks (especially if you are planning on installing a lift) and shift linkage for the transfer case.
This can be quite a major project, especially if you don't weld, or have the tools for this conversion.
I would go on line and do some searches for "2002 Dodge 2wd conversion to 4wd". This may come up with articles on specific components that will work, along with pictures and some instructions.
Sometimes, it can be cheaper and easier to purchase a 4-wheel drive.