4 Wheel Drive/SUVs: Does AWD weight reduce acceleration, noticeable reduction, noticeable loss

QUESTION: I am considering buying a car with 188hp. I would prefer AWD (I live in Colorado), but it of course adds weight to the vehicle, in this case 190lbs. My concern is, does that extra weight cause any noticeable reduction in power when accelerating? Thanks

No more than a large passenger would, and you have the advantage of AWD in snow or icy conditions.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Carl, you said no more than a large passenger would (reduce acceleration power). This may be silly to ask, but would a large passenger in fact cause a noticeable loss of acceleration? Thanks again. ps (the vehicle I"m considering is the Nissan Juke crossover).

The reason I use that scenario, is that any vehicle will have a slight feeling of loss of power/acceleration with additional weight added, regardless whether it is a passenger or cargo.  As far as how much, that depends a lot on the car's motor.  Some engines are designed to have torque max out at a low rpm and others at a high rpm, which will make a difference in acceleration.  Horse power is very similar, but reacts more to the top speed of the engine as opposed to torque.
What I would do, is to test drive the Juke solo, then take along a friend or two and actually see if you notice a difference.
